Wahsatch Rendezvous 2004
Cottonwood Park
Salt Lake City, UT
September 25, 2004

Girl's Rendezvous Results Comparing Different Scoring Settings

Girl's Team Results scoring 7 runners

Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score Combined Time

1. Fremont HS 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 10. 2:14:24.7
2. Park City HS 5 2 1 1 3 2 2 16. 2:19:13.0
3. Rock Springs HS-WY 4 5 10 3 4 3 4 33. 2:24:10.8
4. Box Elder HS 2 3 9 7 6 8 5 40. 2:25:58.0
5. Alta HS 6 8 8 4 2 7 6 41. 2:26:27.4
6. Sky View HS 9 4 4 5 9 4 8 43. 2:27:55.1
Tb 7. East HS 8 10 5 10 5 5 3 46. 2:28:08.9
Tb 8. Murray HS 3 6 2 6 7 10 12 46. 2:34:17.1
9. Woods Cross HS 7 9 7 8 8 6 7 52. 2:29:48.9
10. Copper Hills HS 10 7 6 11 11 11 10 66. 2:36:11.5
11. Grand County HS 11 11 12 9 12 9 9 73. 2:38:39.7
12. Brighton HS 12 12 11 12 10 12 11 80. 2:42:01.2

The final place for teams marked with Tb has been determined by the combined time of the scoring finishers.


Girl's Team Results scoring 6 runners

Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score Combined Time

1. Fremont HS 1 1 (3) 2 1 1 1 7. 1:55:07.7
2. Park City HS (5) 2 1 1 3 2 2 11. 2:00:17.6
3. Rock Springs HS-WY 4 5 (10) 3 4 3 4 23. 2:02:53.6
4. Box Elder HS 2 3 (9) 7 6 8 5 31. 2:04:55.1
5. Alta HS 6 8 (8) 4 2 7 6 33. 2:05:27.5
Tb 6. Murray HS 3 6 2 6 7 10 (13) 34. 2:04:07.7
Tb 7. Sky View HS 9 4 4 5 (9) 4 8 34. 2:05:14.4
8. East HS 8 10 5 (10) 5 5 3 36. 2:05:20.4
9. Woods Cross HS 7 (9) 7 8 8 6 7 43. 2:09:13.2
10. Copper Hills HS 10 7 6 11 11 11 (11) 56. 2:10:50.4
11. Grand County HS 11 11 12 9 (13) 9 9 61. 2:14:48.6
12. Brighton HS 12 12 11 12 10 12 (12) 69. 2:16:26.5
13. Dixie HS 13 13   13 12 13 10 74. 2:33:14.6

The final place for teams marked with Tb has been determined by the combined time of the scoring finishers.


Girl's Team Results scoring 5 runners

Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score Combined Time

1. Fremont HS 1 1 (3) (2) 1 1 1 5. 1:35:12.4
2. Park City HS (5) 2 1 1 (3) 2 2 8. 1:39:55.1
3. Rock Springs HS-WY 4 (5) (10) 3 4 3 4 18. 1:43:45.0
4. Box Elder HS 2 3 (9) 7 6 (8) 5 23. 1:42:29.0
5. Murray HS 3 6 2 6 7 (10) (13) 24. 1:40:33.0
Tb 6. Alta HS 6 (8) (8) 4 2 7 6 25. 1:44:53.9
Tb 7. Sky View HS (9) 4 4 5 (9) 4 8 25. 1:45:33.5
8. East HS 8 (10) 5 (10) 5 5 3 26. 1:44:18.5
9. Woods Cross HS 7 (9) 7 8 (8) 6 7 35. 1:47:13.5
10. Copper Hills HS 10 7 6 11 11 (11) (11) 45. 1:46:36.6
11. Grand County HS 11 11 (12) 9 (13) 9 9 49. 1:52:24.2
12. Brighton HS 12 12 11 12 10 (12) (12) 57. 1:51:08.3
13. Dixie HS 13 13   (13) 12 13 10 61. 2:02:00.5

The final place for teams marked with Tb has been determined by the combined time of the scoring finishers.


Girl's Team Results scoring 4 runners

Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score Combined Time

1. Fremont HS 1 (2) (3) (2) 1 1 1 4. 1:17:03.8
2. Park City HS (5) (3) 1 1 (3) 2 2 6. 1:21:03.2
3. Rock Springs HS-WY 4 (6) (10) 4 4 3 (4) 15. 1:22:08.3
4. Box Elder HS 2 4 (9) (8) 6 (9) 5 17. 1:20:47.9
Tb 5. Murray HS 3 7 2 7 (7) (11) (13) 19. 1:18:50.7
Tb 6. Sky View HS (9) 5 4 6 (9) 4 (8) 19. 1:22:24.0
Tb 7. Alta HS 6 (9) (8) 5 2 (8) 6 19. 1:22:29.4
Tb 8. East HS (8) (11) 5 (11) 5 6 3 19. 1:24:45.3
9. Wasatch HS   1 13 3   5   22. 1:23:25.5
10. Woods Cross HS 7 (10) 7 (9) (8) 7 7 28. 1:25:20.3
11. Copper Hills HS 10 8 6 (12) 11 (12) (11) 35. 1:23:38.1
12. Grand County HS 11 (12) (12) 10 (13) 10 9 40. 1:30:33.8
13. Brighton HS 12 (13) 11 (13) 10 (13) 12 45. 1:31:21.3
14. Dixie HS 13 14   (14) 12 (14) 10 49. 1:35:53.4

The final place for teams marked with Tb has been determined by the combined time of the scoring finishers.


Boy's Rendezvous Results Comparing Different Scoring Settings

Boy's Team Results scoring 7 runners

Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score Combined Time

1. Cedar HS 6 3 6 1 3 1 2 22. 1:55:50.8
2. Fremont HS 5 1 5 3 4 6 1 25. 1:56:36.0
3. Rock Springs HS-WY 2 7 1 2 1 5 10 28. 1:56:37.9
4. Woods Cross HS 7 6 8 9 7 2 3 42. 1:57:44.6
5. Alta HS 1 9 4 6 9 9 11 49. 1:59:44.8
Tb 6. Park City HS 10 4 3 12 8 8 7 52. 1:59:24.7
Tb 7. Springville HS 3 15 2 5 5 7 15 52. 2:00:56.8
8. Copper Hills HS 9 2 12 4 6 11 9 53. 1:59:37.4
9. Riverton HS 11 11 11 8 2 3 8 54. 1:59:36.8
10. Brighton HS 8 5 10 7 10 10 6 56. 2:00:11.2
11. East HS 4 14 13 11 15 4 4 65. 2:02:01.1
12. Murray HS 12 10 7 10 11 14 5 69. 2:02:09.2
13. Evanston HS 18 8 9 13 13 15 13 89. 2:06:17.3
14. Box Elder HS 15 13 14 14 12 12 12 92. 2:05:54.7
15. Clearfield HS 13 12 15 15 17 16 16 104. 2:12:10.8
16. Grand County HS 17 17 17 16 14 13 14 108. 2:09:48.7
17. Dixie HS 16 16 16 17 18 17 17 117. 2:17:21.9
18. Hillcrest HS 14 18 18 18 16 18 18 120. 2:22:15.1

The final place for teams marked with Tb has been determined by the combined time of the scoring finishers.


Boy's Team Results scoring 6 runners

Place Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score Combined Time

1. Cedar HS 6 3 (6) 1 3 1 2 16. 1:39:18.2
2. Rock Springs HS-WY 2 7 1 2 1 5 (10) 18. 1:38:18.1
3. Fremont HS 5 1 5 3 4 (6) 1 19. 1:39:02.4
4. Woods Cross HS 7 6 8 (9) 7 2 3 33. 1:40:48.1
5. Springville HS 3 (17) 2 5 5 7 15 37. 1:42:48.0
6. Alta HS 1 9 4 6 10 9 (11) 39. 1:41:16.0
7. Park City HS 10 4 3 (12) 8 8 7 40. 1:41:56.7
8. Copper Hills HS 9 2 (12) 4 6 11 9 41. 1:42:16.4
9. Riverton HS 11 (11) 11 8 2 3 8 43. 1:42:20.1
10. Brighton HS 8 5 10 7 (11) 10 6 46. 1:42:06.6
11. East HS 4 15 13 11 (17) 4 4 51. 1:43:07.3
12. Murray HS 12 10 7 10 12 (14) 5 56. 1:43:31.9
13. Evanston HS (19) 8 9 13 14 15 13 72. 1:48:48.8
14. Box Elder HS (16) 14 14 14 13 12 12 79. 1:49:14.8
15. Sky View HS 13 12 18 16 9 16   84. 1:47:54.9
16. Clearfield HS 14 13 15 15 (19) 17 17 91. 1:52:19.6
17. Grand County HS 18 19 (19) 17 16 13 14 97. 1:51:05.5
18. Wasatch HS 20 16 17 18 15   16 102. 1:51:25.0
19. Dixie HS 17 18 16 19 (20) 18 18 106. 1:56:00.3
20. Hillcrest HS 15 20 20 (20) 18 19 19 111. 1:59:20.8

Boy's Team Results scoring 5 runners

PlaceTeam1234567ScoreCombined Time

1.Cedar HS(7)3(6)131210.1:23:22.1
2.Rock Springs HS-WY2(7)1215(10)11.1:21:50.1
3.Fremont HS(6)1534(6)114.1:23:10.9
4.Springville HS3(17)2557(16)22.1:23:09.9
5.Woods Cross HS86(9)(9)72326.1:24:00.8
6.Alta HS1946(10)9(11)29.1:23:12.5
7.Park City HS(11)43(12)88730.1:25:40.2
8.Copper Hills HS102(13)46(11)931.1:23:56.6
9.Riverton HS(12)11(12)823832.1:25:46.1
10.Brighton HS95(11)7(11)10637.1:25:04.3
11.East HS5(15)1411(19)4438.1:25:28.3
12.Murray HS1310810(13)(14)546.1:25:07.0
13.Ogden HS4713161353.1:28:21.9
14.Evanston HS(21)8101515(15)1462.1:30:01.0
15.Box Elder HS(17)1415(16)14121267.1:30:46.1
16.Sky View HS1412(19)1891669.1:29:26.3
17.Clearfield HS15131617(21)17(19)78.1:30:30.1
18.West Jordan HS181412181880.1:33:32.9
19.Grand County HS(20)19(20)1918131584.1:33:44.9
20.Wasatch HS(22)161820171788.1:33:51.4
21.Dixie HS191817(21)(22)192093.1:36:49.4
22.Hillcrest HS162021(22)2020(21)97.1:36:06.2

Boy's Team Results scoring 4 runners

PlaceTeam1234567ScoreCombined Time

1.Rock Springs HS-WY2(7)121(5)(10)6.1:04:27.2
2.Cedar HS(7)3(6)1(3)127.1:06:32.8
3.Fremont HS(6)1(5)34(6)19.1:06:39.6
4.Springville HS3(17)255(7)(16)15.1:05:35.7
5.Woods Cross HS(8)6(9)(9)72318.1:08:02.8
6.Alta HS1946(10)(9)(11)20.1:05:22.2
Tb 7.Copper Hills HS(10)2(13)46(11)921.1:07:45.2
Tb 8.Riverton HS(12)(11)(12)823821.1:08:29.4
9.Park City HS(11)43(12)8(8)722.1:07:51.9
10.East HS5(15)(14)11(19)4424.1:08:06.7
11.Brighton HS95(11)7(11)(10)627.1:06:59.2
12.Murray HS(13)10810(13)(14)533.1:08:31.3
13.Ogden HS4713(16)1337.1:09:34.9
14.Evanston HS(21)81015(15)(15)1447.1:11:20.0
15.Sky View HS1412(19)(18)91651.1:10:52.8
16.Box Elder HS(17)14(15)(16)14121252.1:13:09.4
17.Clearfield HS15131617(21)(18)(20)61.1:10:20.0
18.West Jordan HS181412(19)1963.1:12:56.9
19.Grand County HS(20)19(20)(19)18131565.1:15:10.8
20.Wasatch HS(22)1618(21)171869.1:14:48.3
21.Dixie HS191817(22)(22)20(21)74.1:14:34.7
Tb 22.Hillcrest HS162021(23)20(21)(22)77.1:14:51.7
Tb 23.Hunter HS2320171777.1:15:33.2

The final place for teams marked with Tb has been determined by the combined time of the scoring finishers.