2007 Region 6 XC Championships
Cottonwood Park (4400 South 13
Salt Lake City, UT
October 10, 2007

Girls Varsity 3 Mile

OverallBib  NameClassTeamTimeScore

1.575  Madeline GochnourFr1.  East HS19:52.61.
2.620  Kate StringfellowSo1.  Highland HS19:52.92.
3.621  Clara TorontoSr2.  Highland HS20:05.83.
4.574  Breanna CoblerSo2.  East HS20:42.04.
5.619  Haley StringfellowSr3.  Highland HS20:49.25.
6.573  Mary AndersonSo3.  East HS20:50.06.
7.577  Susannah HurstFr4.  East HS20:55.87.
8.661  Sara PickettSo1.  Murray HS20:58.78.
9.486  Hannah MooreSo1.  West HS20:59.79.
10.657  Sara EvansSo2.  Murray HS21:03.210.
11.488  Kajsa VlasicSo2.  West HS21:43.811.
12.660  Bethany PeadenJr3.  Murray HS22:04.512.
13.663  Chelsie SummersSr4.  Murray HS22:08.013.
14.616  Lauren HendricksonJr4.  Highland HS22:11.814.
15.487  Rachel SilverstoneSr3.  West HS22:18.815.
16.662  Megan RirieSo5.  Murray HS22:32.916.
17.618  Ali RoyallSr5.  Highland HS22:40.617.
18.673  Maria GardinerSr1.  Olympus HS22:50.418.
19.518  Stacy RectorSr1.  Cottonwood HS22:55.719.
20.617  Jodi PriceSr6.  Highland HS22:59.320.
21.659  Adelphe LaBleuJr6.  Murray HS23:14.821.
22.658  Savanna GregoryFr7.  Murray HS23:23.422.
23.615  Annie BeachSo7.  Highland HS23:26.423.
24.484  Amanda HalesJr4.  West HS23:26.724.
25.483  Lara BuhlerSr5.  West HS23:42.725.
26.485  Tiegan HatchSr6.  West HS23:46.026.
27.578  Alice RiedeselSo5.  East HS24:03.027.
28.489  Ali YostJr7.  West HS24:05.128.
29.596  Tanya SantanaSr1.  Granger HS24:08.029.
30.669  Ashley BitnerJr2.  Olympus HS24:28.530.
31.591  Leamsi CuandonJr2.  Granger HS24:35.231.
32.589  Maria AyalaSr3.  Granger HS24:35.732.
33.517  Katleen NietoSo2.  Cottonwood HS24:51.233.
34.520  Samantha WerkmanSr3.  Cottonwood HS25:18.334.
35.579  Ashleigh ThompsonJr6.  East HS25:33.635.
36.516  Taylor KramerSo4.  Cottonwood HS26:07.536.
37.670  Hannah BrownSo3.  Olympus HS26:17.137.
38.519  Katie SeluSr5.  Cottonwood HS26:35.438.
39.672  Debbie DraperSr4.  Olympus HS27:07.839.
40.675  Mckenzie ZengerSo5.  Olympus HS27:34.940.
41.671  Janice ChoJr6.  Olympus HS28:00.441.
42.576  Victoria GochnourSr7.  East HS28:19.042.
43.594  Whitney HandsSo4.  Granger HS28:19.243.
44.595  Rochelle ProttiSr5.  Granger HS28:35.144.
45.592  Adriana GarciaJr6.  Granger HS28:52.445.
46.674  Jennifer ProcterSo7.  Olympus HS29:01.846.
47.593  Cristy GomezJr7.  Granger HS29:27.747.
48.515  Joanna FelgerSr6.  Cottonwood HS30:03.548.

Team Results

1.Highland HS2, 3, 5, 14, 17 41
2.East HS1, 4, 6, 7, 27 45
3.Murray HS8, 10, 12, 13, 16 59
4.West HS9, 11, 15, 24, 25 84
5.Cottonwood HS19, 33, 34, 36, 38 160
6.Olympus HS18, 30, 37, 39, 40 164
7.Granger HS29, 31, 32, 43, 44 179

 1.  Highland HS   41
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

2. 620    Kate Stringfellow19:52.92.00:00.3Spread between the scoring runners02:47.7
3. 621    Clara Toronto20:05.83.00:13.2
5. 619    Haley Stringfellow20:49.25.00:56.6
14. 616    Lauren Hendrickson22:11.814.02:19.2
17. 618    Ali Royall22:40.617.02:48.0
20. 617    Jodi Price22:59.3(20.)03:06.7
23. 615    Annie Beach23:26.4(23.)03:33.8

1.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:45:40.3)41

 2.  East HS   45
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

1. 575    Madeline Gochnour19:52.61.NASpread between the scoring runners04:10.4
4. 574    Breanna Cobler20:42.04.00:49.4
6. 573    Mary Anderson20:50.06.00:57.4
7. 577    Susannah Hurst20:55.87.01:03.2
27. 578    Alice Riedesel24:03.027.04:10.4
35. 579    Ashleigh Thompson25:33.6(35.)05:41.0
42. 576    Victoria Gochnour28:19.0(42.)08:26.4

2.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:46:23.4)45

 3.  Murray HS   59
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

8. 661    Sara Pickett20:58.78.01:06.1Spread between the scoring runners01:34.2
10. 657    Sara Evans21:03.210.01:10.6
12. 660    Bethany Peaden22:04.512.02:11.9
13. 663    Chelsie Summers22:08.013.02:15.4
16. 662    Megan Ririe22:32.916.02:40.3
21. 659    Adelphe LaBleu23:14.8(21.)03:22.2
22. 658    Savanna Gregory23:23.4(22.)03:30.8

3.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:48:47.3)59

 4.  West HS   84
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

9. 486    Hannah Moore20:59.79.01:07.1Spread between the scoring runners02:43.0
11. 488    Kajsa Vlasic21:43.811.01:51.2
15. 487    Rachel Silverstone22:18.815.02:26.2
24. 484    Amanda Hales23:26.724.03:34.1
25. 483    Lara Buhler23:42.725.03:50.1
26. 485    Tiegan Hatch23:46.0(26.)03:53.4
28. 489    Ali Yost24:05.1(28.)04:12.5

4.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:52:11.7)84

 5.  Cottonwood HS   160
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

19. 518    Stacy Rector22:55.719.03:03.1Spread between the scoring runners03:39.7
33. 517    Katleen Nieto24:51.233.04:58.6
34. 520    Samantha Werkman25:18.334.05:25.7
36. 516    Taylor Kramer26:07.536.06:14.9
38. 519    Katie Selu26:35.438.06:42.8
48. 515    Joanna Felger30:03.5(48.)10:10.9

5.(Total time for scoring runners: 2:05:48.1)160

 6.  Olympus HS   164
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

18. 673    Maria Gardiner22:50.418.02:57.8Spread between the scoring runners04:44.5
30. 669    Ashley Bitner24:28.530.04:35.9
37. 670    Hannah Brown26:17.137.06:24.5
39. 672    Debbie Draper27:07.839.07:15.2
40. 675    Mckenzie Zenger27:34.940.07:42.3
41. 671    Janice Cho28:00.4(41.)08:07.8
46. 674    Jennifer Procter29:01.8(46.)09:09.2

6.(Total time for scoring runners: 2:08:18.7)164

 7.  Granger HS   179
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

29. 596    Tanya Santana24:08.029.04:15.4Spread between the scoring runners04:27.1
31. 591    Leamsi Cuandon24:35.231.04:42.6
32. 589    Maria Ayala24:35.732.04:43.1
43. 594    Whitney Hands28:19.243.08:26.6
44. 595    Rochelle Protti28:35.144.08:42.5
45. 592    Adriana Garcia28:52.4(45.)08:59.8
47. 593    Cristy Gomez29:27.7(47.)09:35.1

7.(Total time for scoring runners: 2:10:13.2)179