Wednesday, May 7th
800E 1400S,
Time: May 7th, Field Events-1:00pm;
Track Events-4:30pm
Facilities: Eight
lane, 400 meter Mondo Super X surface
including Horizontal Jumps and PV approaches.
High Jump contested on Southwest surface. Throwing circles are cement. Only ¼” (9mm) or smaller pyramid spikes
allowed. Hammer and Discus will be
contested at Guardsman Way Field (500S, 1580E) which is adjacent to the indoor
tennis center on the
Rules: NCAA rules will govern this
meet. No score will be kept. Open/unattached athletes permitted to compete
with meet directors approval.
Entry: Enter On-line at www.runnercard.com
Entry Deadline is Monday May 5th at
Noon. System is automated and will shut
down at Noon, so please enter on time.
Entry Fee: TEAM: $100 per team (men
and women separate)
$5 per individual (two event max.)
Entry limits: None for teams, 2 events for unattached
Heat Sheets: Will be available at the meet
Packet Pick-up: Team packets and other
pertinent meet information can be picked up at the
south storage building near the 200m start line. Please pay your entry fee at this time.
Implement Weigh-In: Hammer and Discus will
be weighed in at site of competition from 12pm-12:45pm. All other implements will be weighed at the
South door of the storage building at the track (near the shot put).
Javelin: 3:30p-4:15p
Shot Put: 4:30p-5:15p
Team Camps: Must be located
outside the track. No team camps will be
allowed on the infield.
Warm-ups: May be done on
the backstretch (west straight) and turns only.
No warming up on the homestretch once the meet begins. Only athletes competing in field events and
one event specific coach will be allowed on the infield.
Results: Results
will be posted throughout the meet as they become available. A hard copy full set will be available as
soon as possible after the meet. Results
will also be posted at www.utahutes.com
and www.runnercard.com
Wednesday May 7th, 2008
1:00p.m. Hammer (Guardsman Field) Women (Men to follow) TBD
To Follow Hammer Discus (Guardsman Field) Women (Men to follow TBD
3:30p.m. Pole Vault Women (Men to follow) TBD
4:00p.m. Long Jump Women (Men to follow) 1/1
4:00p.m. High Jump Men (Women to follow) 1/1
4:30p.m. Javelin Women (Men to follow) TBD
5:30p.m. Shot Put Women (Men to follow) TBD
To Follow LJ Triple Jump Women (Men to follow) TBD
4:30p.m. 4x100 M Relay Women TBD
4x100 M Relay Men TBD
4:55p.m. 1500m Run Women TBD
1500m Run Men TBD
5:10p.m. 400 M Dash Women TBD
400 M Dash Men TBD
5:30p.m. 100 M Hurdles Women TBD
110 M High Hurdles Men TBD
5:45p.m. 100 M Dash Women TBD
100 M Dash Men TBD
5:55p.m. 800 M Run Women TBD
800 M Run Men TBD
6:10p.m. 400 M Hurdles Women TBD
400 M Hurdles Men TBD
6:30p.m. 200 M Dash Women TBD
200 M Dash Men TBD
6:45p.m. 3,000 M Run Women TBD
3,000 M Run Men TBD
7:15p.m. 4x400 M Relay Women TBD
4x400 M Relay Men TBD
*Heats will be run Slow to
**Eight to the Finals in all
Prelim/Final running events
***Nine to final in LJ, TJ,
Hammer, Shot, Disc, and Javelin
****Hammer and Discus will be contested in a rolling schedule manner