2013 Salt Lake 'All City' XC
Northwest Recreation Center, 1
Salt Lake City, UT
September 11, 2013

JV Boys 5K

OverallBib  NameClassTeamTimeScore

1.256  Sam SandersSo1.  Rowland Hall19:33.41.
2.175  Peter ChristiansenSo1.  Hillcrest HS19:59.62.
3.252  Thad LampsonSr2.  Rowland Hall20:09.63.
4.277  Jack BrownJr1.  West HS20:53.34.
5.287  Noah LobellSo2.  West HS21:04.55.
6.223  Nick ParentJr1.  Judge Memorial CHS21:18.66.
7.275  Eric AndersonSr3.  West HS21:18.77.
8.290  Titus QuahFr4.  West HS21:18.88.
9.153  Julio GutierrezFr1.  Highland HS21:24.1-- 
10.281  Zach ColangeloSr5.  West HS21:27.69.
11.220  Jacob LooseSo2.  Judge Memorial CHS21:28.010.
12.155  Daniel JesseeSo2.  Highland HS21:28.4-- 
13.181  Tyler LiddiardSr2.  Hillcrest HS21:28.811.
14.229  Joseph StokesJr3.  Judge Memorial CHS21:38.912.
15.254  Donovan MurphySo3.  Rowland Hall21:39.613.
16.177  Wesley ColemereJr3.  Hillcrest HS21:40.214.
17.215  Eric HeidemanFr4.  Judge Memorial CHS21:42.515.
18.249  Ethan GohFr4.  Rowland Hall22:18.116.
19.183  Zach PowellFr4.  Hillcrest HS22:19.617.
20.226  Matt ShiramizuSo5.  Judge Memorial CHS22:22.318.
21.178  Connor GuldnerFr5.  Hillcrest HS22:28.219.
22.292  Charlie VandelFr6.  West HS22:31.320.
23.224  Andy SagersJr6.  Judge Memorial CHS22:32.321.
24.251  Wes JohnstonFr5.  Rowland Hall22:35.122.
25.182  Tristan PageFr6.  Hillcrest HS22:42.123.
26.184  Nityam RathiSo7.  Hillcrest HS22:53.024.
27.279  Daniel ButlerSr7.  West HS22:53.425.
28.289  Ian Prestgard-DukeJr8.  West HS23:01.6-- 
29.156  Trevor JohnsonSr3.  Highland HS23:04.7-- 
30.174  Nick BerndtFr8.  Hillcrest HS23:05.1-- 
31.257  Patrick SchloesserSo6.  Rowland Hall23:05.726.
32.283  Abdikadir EftinSr9.  West HS23:08.0-- 
33.280  Gavin ClementsSo10.  West HS23:18.0-- 
34.216  Tommy KellyFr7.  Judge Memorial CHS23:48.027.
35.217  Nathan KlebbaJr8.  Judge Memorial CHS23:53.7-- 
36.227  Terrington SmithSr9.  Judge Memorial CHS23:54.3-- 
37.293  Zach WolfeSr11.  West HS24:02.0-- 
38.253  Tyler MacintyreSo7.  Rowland Hall24:03.828.
39.186  Kevin SyphusFr9.  Hillcrest HS24:11.9-- 
40.250  Knox HeslopFr8.  Rowland Hall24:19.5-- 
41.225  Andrew SchwarzSo10.  Judge Memorial CHS24:38.2-- 
42.176  Luke CobabeFr10.  Hillcrest HS24:52.7-- 
43.185  Eric SchneggenburgerSo11.  Hillcrest HS25:09.5-- 
44.288  Harrison PattonJr12.  West HS25:33.4-- 
45.282  Zachary DavidsonJr13.  West HS25:41.8-- 
46.221  Adam MulderSo11.  Judge Memorial CHS26:25.7-- 
47.286  Kameron LeecasterFr14.  West HS26:36.8-- 
48.248  Raimundo AlmenaraSo9.  Rowland Hall26:52.5-- 
49.150  Bryson BensonFr4.  Highland HS26:57.3-- 
50.180  Aj KinneySr12.  Hillcrest HS27:16.7-- 
51.179  Jonathan KasedaFr13.  Hillcrest HS27:22.4-- 
52.255  Levi OllertonFr10.  Rowland Hall27:39.9-- 
53.214  Hyrum GaraycocheaFr12.  Judge Memorial CHS28:12.6-- 
54.212  Robert AuerSr13.  Judge Memorial CHS30:39.1-- 

Team Results

1.West HS4, 5, 7, 8, 9, (20), (25)33
2.Rowland Hall1, 3, 13, 16, 22, (26), (28)55
3.Judge Memorial CHS6, 10, 12, 15, 18, (21), (27)61
4.Hillcrest HS2, 11, 14, 17, 19, (23), (24)63

 1.  West HS   33
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

4. 277    Jack Brown20:53.34.01:19.9Spread between the scoring runners00:34.3
5. 287    Noah Lobell21:04.55.01:31.1
7. 275    Eric Anderson21:18.77.01:45.3
8. 290    Titus Quah21:18.88.01:45.4
10. 281    Zach Colangelo21:27.69.01:54.2
22. 292    Charlie Vandel22:31.3(20.)02:57.9
27. 279    Daniel Butler22:53.4(25.)03:20.0
28. 289    Ian Prestgard-Duke23:01.6NS 03:28.2
32. 283    Abdikadir Eftin23:08.0NS 03:34.6
33. 280    Gavin Clements23:18.0NS 03:44.6
37. 293    Zach Wolfe24:02.0NS 04:28.6
44. 288    Harrison Patton25:33.4NS 06:00.0
45. 282    Zachary Davidson25:41.8NS 06:08.4
47. 286    Kameron Leecaster26:36.8NS 07:03.4

1.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:46:02.9)33

 2.  Rowland Hall   55
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

1. 256    Sam Sanders19:33.41.NASpread between the scoring runners03:01.7
3. 252    Thad Lampson20:09.63.00:36.2
15. 254    Donovan Murphy21:39.613.02:06.2
18. 249    Ethan Goh22:18.116.02:44.7
24. 251    Wes Johnston22:35.122.03:01.7
31. 257    Patrick Schloesser23:05.7(26.)03:32.3
38. 253    Tyler Macintyre24:03.8(28.)04:30.4
40. 250    Knox Heslop24:19.5NS 04:46.1
48. 248    Raimundo Almenara26:52.5NS 07:19.1
52. 255    Levi Ollerton27:39.9NS 08:06.5

2.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:46:15.8)55

 3.  Judge Memorial CHS   61
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

6. 223    Nick Parent21:18.66.01:45.2Spread between the scoring runners01:03.7
11. 220    Jacob Loose21:28.010.01:54.6
14. 229    Joseph Stokes21:38.912.02:05.5
17. 215    Eric Heideman21:42.515.02:09.1
20. 226    Matt Shiramizu22:22.318.02:48.9
23. 224    Andy Sagers22:32.3(21.)02:58.9
34. 216    Tommy Kelly23:48.0(27.)04:14.6
35. 217    Nathan Klebba23:53.7NS 04:20.3
36. 227    Terrington Smith23:54.3NS 04:20.9
41. 225    Andrew Schwarz24:38.2NS 05:04.8
46. 221    Adam Mulder26:25.7NS 06:52.3
53. 214    Hyrum Garaycochea28:12.6NS 08:39.2
54. 212    Robert Auer30:39.1NS 11:05.7

3.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:48:30.3)61

 4.  Hillcrest HS   63
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

2. 175    Peter Christiansen19:59.62.00:26.2Spread between the scoring runners02:28.6
13. 181    Tyler Liddiard21:28.811.01:55.4
16. 177    Wesley Colemere21:40.214.02:06.8
19. 183    Zach Powell22:19.617.02:46.2
21. 178    Connor Guldner22:28.219.02:54.8
25. 182    Tristan Page22:42.1(23.)03:08.7
26. 184    Nityam Rathi22:53.0(24.)03:19.6
30. 174    Nick Berndt23:05.1NS 03:31.7
39. 186    Kevin Syphus24:11.9NS 04:38.5
42. 176    Luke Cobabe24:52.7NS 05:19.3
43. 185    Eric Schneggenburger25:09.5NS 05:36.1
50. 180    Aj Kinney27:16.7NS 07:43.3
51. 179    Jonathan Kaseda27:22.4NS 07:49.0

4.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:47:56.4)63