29th Mariner Invitational 2012
Garin Park
Hayward, CA
October 20, 2012

Boy's SS Varsity 5K

OverallBib  NameClassTeamTimeScore

1.84  Max PedrottiJr1.  Christian Brothers HS18:27.71.
2.271  Connor deLeuzeSo1.  Justin-Siena HS18:30.0-- 
3.83  Parker KayeJr2.  Christian Brothers HS18:37.42.
4.85  Korbi ThalhammerSr3.  Christian Brothers HS19:35.33.
5.81  Erik DomekJr4.  Christian Brothers HS19:35.64.
6.531  John AlexanderJr1.  Moreau Catholic HS19:40.65.
7.275  Sami ZaiaFr2.  Justin-Siena HS19:41.7-- 
8.534  Marcus NgSr2.  Moreau Catholic HS20:36.36.
9.536  Darien RiveraSr3.  Moreau Catholic HS20:51.77.
10.535  Bharath RavindranJr4.  Moreau Catholic HS20:57.38.
11.82  Gareth DurhamJr5.  Christian Brothers HS20:59.29.
12.272  Alex KivelaSo3.  Justin-Siena HS21:17.1-- 
13.532  Jesus ArechigaSr5.  Moreau Catholic HS21:26.110.
14.537  Kevin WongJr6.  Moreau Catholic HS21:37.511.
15.274  Kyle ShiffletSo4.  Justin-Siena HS23:02.0-- 

Team Results

1.Christian Brothers HS1, 2, 3, 4, 9, (0), (0)19
2.Moreau Catholic HS5, 6, 7, 8, 10, (11), (0)36

 1.  Christian Brothers HS   19
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

1. 84    Max Pedrotti18:27.71.NASpread between the scoring runners02:31.5
3. 83    Parker Kaye18:37.42.00:09.7
4. 85    Korbi Thalhammer19:35.33.01:07.6
5. 81    Erik Domek19:35.64.01:07.9
11. 82    Gareth Durham20:59.29.02:31.5

1.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:37:15.2)19

 2.  Moreau Catholic HS   36
PlaceBib    NameTimeScoreBehind WinnerSpread

6. 531    John Alexander19:40.65.01:12.9Spread between the scoring runners01:45.5
8. 534    Marcus Ng20:36.36.02:08.6
9. 536    Darien Rivera20:51.77.02:24.0
10. 535    Bharath Ravindran20:57.38.02:29.6
13. 532    Jesus Arechiga21:26.110.02:58.4
14. 537    Kevin Wong21:37.5(11.)03:09.8

2.(Total time for scoring runners: 1:43:32.0)36